Computers Computer Products Parts Accessories
WebGraphicsRus provides top quality computer and network
parts and supplies for our retail and business customers here in
the greater Philadelphia area. We search far and wide for both
quality at reasonable prices. You may also purchase computer
systems parts and supplies right here on line from our partner
sites featured here. These companies have been utilized by us
and all provide excellent customer support and quality products.
Our Most Useful Supplier is Crucial
Most computer repairs
I encounter are partially running
poorly due to small amount of memory installed when new.
Computer manufactures do this to keep cost down but once you
have started to add applications installed a few service packs
you find the computer just seems to be slow especially today
dealing with digital photos and videos. Before you bring your pc
in for repair or waste money on downloads that claim to make
your pc faster use the
crucial scan tool to scan your pc. It
will tell you who much and what type of memory is installed and
recommend the correct memory upgrade options. Crucial Technology
is a division of Micron, one of the largest DRAM manufacturers
in the world and supply factory-direct memory upgrades to the
Computers From Dell
I recommend to all my business and retail customers to
purchase there computers directly from Dell. Need help
configuring your new system? Not sure how much computer you
need? Contact Us We will be happy
to advise you. otherwise just click the link to the right
and begin to shop customize the system step by step the way
you want. I recommend that you take care in selecting an operating
system if you are networked with several computers running
XP or less there are options to downgrade Windows 7
Professional to XP Mode or for later upgrade. If you are
just buying a personal pc and networking or software
compatibility will not be an issue I still recommend upgrade
to Windows 7 Professional With your new computer purchase.
As Far as I know Dell is the only supplier that offers
downgrades for XP Compliant PC's and Laptops. Also consider
ordering maximum RAM memory you can do this at a later time
usually less expensively but it is convenient to do at time
of purchase.